Monday 25 March 2013

Number 6 Gully

Great view with a great wind

Killing time on the belays

Now you see them....

... Now you don't!

Nothing to see or climb here!

Two cars in the car park means that there are two teams ahead of us.  Who knows where they are going but I would have put money that they were going for the same route as us.  After 40 minutes I glanced back to the car park and counted 8 cars.  I would have put money on it that they were all heading for Number 6 Gully (IV,4).  I was right.  It was a good choice by all, relatively sheltered, fantastic ice, belays all over the place and a Cold Climb!  Alan has been over coming a chest infection so a big walk in was out of the question.  This was ideal!  On approach to the route, Elliot's Downfall (VI,6) was looking great!  Still thin at the bottom but shouldn't be long until it sees an ascent and I hope its me!  Most of the time I like climbing when there is nobody else around but today was good fun.  Everyone was really friendly and considerate, everyone was climbing well and efficiently and no ice was bombarding us like some angry birds.  We opted for the right hand finish but some of the teams below, including Lakes wad Paddy Cave, took the direct finish which also looked good.  For me and Alan, our lunches looked we found a boulder and had a good scoff with a fantastic view looking down to Glencoe village.  Alan is keen to go back out on Wednesday when the winds will have died down so we took a nice gentle stroll down ensuring we didn't tire our legs out.  With a combined age of 90 odd years we are no spring chickens...!  Oh and saw a little lamb too!  Which reminds me, I saw one on Skye the other day too.  Spring is here!
This lamb looked cold!

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